Bij mensen met hartfalen is een gebrek aan Q10 en carnitine gebleken, en toegenomen onststekingsbevorderende stoffen (cytokinen).
Suppletie met Ubiquinol en l-carnitine kan deze cytokinen significant verminderen en de kwaliteit van leven significant verbeteren..
Acta Cardiol. 2007 Aug;62(4):349-54.
Effect of carni Q-gel (ubiquinol and carnitine) on cytokines in patients with heart failure in the Tishcon study.
Kumar A, Singh RB, Saxena M, Niaz MA, Josh SR, Chattopadhyay P, Mechirova V, Pella D, Fedacko J.
Government Medical College, Amritsar.
INTRODUCTION: There is evidence that both carnitine and coenzyme Q 10 (Co Q), which are important for the functioning of myocardial mitochondria, are deficient in patients with congestive heart failure, in association with increased pro-inflammatory cytokines. It is possible that supplementation with ubiquinol and L-carnitine may protect these patients by decreasing inflammation
These findings indicate that treatment with ubiquinol + L-carnitine can cause a significant reduction in the pro-inflammatory cytokines that are neurohumoural precursors related to sympathetic and parasympathetic activity, which is impaired in patients with heart failure. There was no adverse effect on IL-10. There was a significant improvement in quality of life as well as decrease in NYHA-defined heart failure.