
Na kankerbehandling decennia lang meer risico op hartziekten

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    Hoogste tijd dus voor een veilige, niet-toxische behandeling van kanker…… door de reguliere behandelingen (bestraling en chemokuren) van nu kan men een tijdje later nieuwe kanker krijgen of een hartinfarct en hartfalen of een beroerte..
    Wat voor de kinderen met kanker geldt (in het artikel hieronder), geldt natuurlijk ook voor de volwassenen.

    [quote]Cancer survivors have higher death risk for decades

    By Kate Kelland

    LONDON | Tue Jul 13, 2010

    LONDON (Reuters) – People who survive cancer in childhood have a heightened risk of dying of a heart attack, stroke or another cancer decades later — a risk that is likely to be due to the original treatment, scientists said on Tuesday.

    A study by doctors from the United States last year found that survivors of childhood cancer are at risk of a range of cardiac problems such as heart failure, heart attacks and heart disease and the risks continued up to 30 years after treatment.

    The findings also showed that only 7 percent of the deaths among childhood cancer survivors were due to a recurrence of their original disease, while [i]77 percent [/i] were due to new cancers, heart disease and so-called cerebrovascular disease, which causes high blood pressure and strokes.
    Hele artikel staat hier:

    De chemokuur is zelfs schadelijk voor de mensen die het bereiden en toedienen aan de patient….

    [quote]pharmacists are exposing themselves to cancer-causing chemotherapy agents in the process. And pharmacists are giving themselves cancer… and they’re dying from it.

    “Danish epidemiologists used cancer-registry data from the 1940s through the late 1980s to first report a significantly increased risk of leukemia among oncology nurses and, later, physicians. Last year, another Danish study of more than 92,000 nurses found an elevated risk for breast, thyroid, nervous-system and brain cancers.”



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Reageer op: Na kankerbehandling decennia lang meer risico op hartziekten
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