Is parfum de nieuwe sigaret?
- Dit onderwerp bevat 2 reacties, 3 deelnemers, en is laatst geüpdatet op 14 jaren, 7 maanden geleden door
Sleutelbeheerder150 mensen werden vorig jaar ziek toen iemand op kantoor (in Texas) een parfum opsproeide…. 34 van hen belandden in het ziekenhuis…..en dat is niet het enige geval van ziek worden door parfums…..
Er is nu in veel landen een uitgebreid rookverbod in openbare gebouwen, en aan een onze schatkist spekkende roker kan men vragen om in iemands bijzijn niet te roken, maar hoe vraag je aan iemand om zijn/haar luchtverontreinigende en luchtweg-irriterende, langzaam verdampende parfum te verwijderen als die persoon vlak bij jou in de buurt vertoeft in een openbare ruimte?. Dat is op dat moment niet mogelijk…..en men zal misschien wel boos reageren op je verzoek :huh: ….Steeds meer mensen reageren met lichamelijke klachten op de (petro)chemische stoffen in parfums en andere geurende produkten. Er zijn al enkele parfumvrije scholen en ziekenhuizen in de wereld …. een goede zaak mi.
Hieronder een artikel van Scherry Tomfeld (2009)
Perfume. The New Health Hazard?
150 people were affected by a person who sprayed perfume. 34 of these people had to be taken to the hospital. This happened in Fort Worth, Texas but is by no means the only incident of people being sickened, literally, by perfume being sprayed.
We all remember the smokers being taken to task over their cigarette smoke which ended up with most of the country banning cigarette smoking in work places, bars, restaurants and most “public” areas.
Not only that, cigarettes were deemed to be the biggest and baddest cause of almost every cancer known to man.
We allowed those nasty ole’ cigarette smokers to be taxed (what most would consider unlawfully) until they were forced to quit or they were forced to hide in their homes hoping that no one would get a “whiff” of smoke. Ah, we sure did teach smokers a thing or two about “their” smoke perfume!All the while the chided smokers were trying to explain that almost any of them would willingly put out a cigarette if it bothered someone. They tried to explain that cigarette smoke, especially second hand smoke, was NOT the culprit of all cancers. People complaining of cigarette smoke were even asked if there could be another cause of their discomfort. Guess what? Perfume! Yes, perfume.
I remember one of the biggest anti-smoking people in our county was a large woman who did not know what a “spritz” of perfume was. She lathered it on until you were looking for the exits or a gas mask. But she was brazen enough to complain about someone smoking in a bar (that she never went in).
We’ve all been there, a restaurant, church, classroom, shopping aisle and yes a bar, when someone will walk in and the place turns to weeping eyes and sneezing. How well do you think people take it when asked to “remove” their perfume? But due to stories like the people above who fell ill due to someone’s perfume I believe people are starting to look at perfume as the next cigarette.
Will they install a heavy tax on perfume like on cigarettes? Some have banned perfume in the workplace, will that carry on to public places as well? Will perfumed
products like body and laudry soap be banned? Or maybe they will simply ban perfume on any level and in any product.Perfume can make people sick. Perfume can make people sick that aren’t even wearing it.
More and more articles and studies are being written on perfume and the hazards of some of them. Yes, I vaguely see perfume as the new cigarette.
DeelnemerLisa schrijft:
[quote]150 mensen werden vorig jaar ziek toen iemand op kantoor (in Texas) een parfum opsproeide…. 34 van hen belandden in het ziekenhuis…..en dat is niet het enige geval van ziek worden door parfums…..
Er is nu in veel landen een uitgebreid rookverbod in openbare gebouwen, en aan een onze schatkist spekkende roker kan men vragen om in iemands bijzijn niet te roken, maar hoe vraag je aan iemand om zijn/haar luchtverontreinigende en luchtweg-irriterende, langzaam verdampende parfum te verwijderen als die persoon vlak bij jou in de buurt vertoeft in een openbare ruimte?. Dat is op dat moment niet mogelijk…..en men zal misschien wel boos reageren op je verzoek :huh: ….Steeds meer mensen reageren met lichamelijke klachten op de (petro)chemische stoffen in parfums en andere geurende produkten. Er zijn al enkele parfumvrije scholen en ziekenhuizen in de wereld …. een goede zaak mi.
Hieronder een artikel van Scherry Tomfeld (2009)
Perfume. The New Health Hazard?
150 people were affected by a person who sprayed perfume. 34 of these people had to be taken to the hospital. This happened in Fort Worth, Texas but is by no means the only incident of people being sickened, literally, by perfume being sprayed.
We all remember the smokers being taken to task over their cigarette smoke which ended up with most of the country banning cigarette smoking in work places, bars, restaurants and most “public” areas.
Not only that, cigarettes were deemed to be the biggest and baddest cause of almost every cancer known to man.
We allowed those nasty ole’ cigarette smokers to be taxed (what most would consider unlawfully) until they were forced to quit or they were forced to hide in their homes hoping that no one would get a “whiff” of smoke. Ah, we sure did teach smokers a thing or two about “their” smoke perfume!All the while the chided smokers were trying to explain that almost any of them would willingly put out a cigarette if it bothered someone. They tried to explain that cigarette smoke, especially second hand smoke, was NOT the culprit of all cancers. People complaining of cigarette smoke were even asked if there could be another cause of their discomfort. Guess what? Perfume! Yes, perfume.
I remember one of the biggest anti-smoking people in our county was a large woman who did not know what a “spritz” of perfume was. She lathered it on until you were looking for the exits or a gas mask. But she was brazen enough to complain about someone smoking in a bar (that she never went in).
We’ve all been there, a restaurant, church, classroom, shopping aisle and yes a bar, when someone will walk in and the place turns to weeping eyes and sneezing. How well do you think people take it when asked to “remove” their perfume? But due to stories like the people above who fell ill due to someone’s perfume I believe people are starting to look at perfume as the next cigarette.
Will they install a heavy tax on perfume like on cigarettes? Some have banned perfume in the workplace, will that carry on to public places as well? Will perfumed
products like body and laudry soap be banned? Or maybe they will simply ban perfume on any level and in any product.Perfume can make people sick. Perfume can make people sick that aren’t even wearing it.
More and more articles and studies are being written on perfume and the hazards of some of them. Yes, I vaguely see perfume as the new cigarette.Lisa
GastVeel van de chemische stoffen in parfums (perfume, fragrance, cologne) zijn precies hetzelfde als veel chemische stoffen in sigarettenrook …..(en fume = rook, damp)
Sommige van die vele opgenomen en ingeademde stoffen veroorzaken ontstekingen in het hele lichaam, geven sperma-schade, overgewicht en/of diabetes, en andere stoffen zijn vooral hormoonverstoorders (verstoren bv schildklierhormonen, verlagen testosteron in mannen)
Direct Merkbare klachten zijn bv hoofdpijn, migraine, duizeligheid en benauwdheid en asthma, de reacties kunnen ook een dag na blootstelling nog optreden.Een artikel met meer informatie op medicalnewstoday: stukje er uit:
[quote]Until the 20th century, perfumes were made from natural ingredients derived directly from plants and animals, and as fragrances became cheaper and more widespread, they also became more synthetic.
The National Academy of Sciences reports that 95% of the chemicals used in fragrances today are synthetic compounds derived from petroleum, including known toxins capable of causing cancer, birth defects, central nervous system disorders and allergic reactions.
We have been brainwashed by the industry to feel we must cover up our natural scents with toxic chemicals. Many of the chemicals in perfumes are the same chemicals that are in cigarette smoke. [/quote] …. dus parfum inademen is in wezen net zo schadelijk als sigaretten roken.
[quote]You would think the government would protect people by attempting to regulate the industries that are causing harm; however, the cosmetic industry is self regulated and isn’t required to give formulations, test results, safety data or consumer complaints to the FDA.
When you use perfume or cologne, remember you are using powerful chemicals regulated solely by the industry that sells them.[/quote]
Meer links over dit onderwerp: (lijstje vul ik af en toe nog aan)
[quote]Perfume …. or poison?[/quote]
[quote]Secret, Toxic Perfume Chemicals Linked to Cancer, Sperm Damage[/quote]
[quote][…] the ’secret’ formula to create the scent of cologne can damage sperm quality.
Pphthalate compounds are related to the damage of sperm and reduced male fertility.[/quote]
[quote]Not So Sexy: Hidden Chemicals in Perfumes
A new analysis reveals that top-selling fragrance products—from Britney Spears’ Curious and Hannah Montana Secret Celebrity to Calvin Klein Eternity and Abercrombie & Fitch Fierce —contain a dozen or more secret chemicals not listed on labels, multiple chemicals that can trigger allergic reactions or disrupt hormones, and many substances that have not been assessed for safety by the beauty industry’s self-policing review panels. [/quote]Take good care,
Lisa -